Yoga Camp for Othopaedic Issues near Chandigarh



Yoga  Camp for Orhtopaedic Issues:

Our yoga Orthopaedic camp near Chandigarh covers the issues the participants face related to the bone structure of the body. Bones form the basic framework on which other organs hang and remain in place. Over the years this carrying of the burden function of the bone structure gets debilitated in various capacities and lead to myriad forms of pains.

An effort is made to help the participants understand the deets of the skeletal systems and the impact of various bodily movement on it. The camp on Orthopaedic issues commences with a general physical and historical check up of the participants in order to determine their present standing on the same.

Camp for Healing Joint Pain with Yoga


Then comes the yoga postures which work beneficially on different parts of the skeletal system followed by the pranayamas related to the same. The first half of the yoga camp at our yoga centre near Chandigarh is dedicated to these two techniques, explained, demonstrated, illustrated in details for the benefit of the participants.

Participants are asked to take a walk along the periphery of the compound housing the yoga retreat near Chandigarh after they have had their lunch. Relaxation, eye exercises or trataka, and cleansing techniques, kriyas, are taught after the relaxation. An authority on the subject of orthopaedic issues  explains various unknown, un discussed aspects of the condition followed by a questions taking session from the participants.

We provide reading material for the participants on the learnings from the day which they can carry home. Participants who have attended the camp once can take two free sessions at our yoga center near Chandigarh in order to clear any doubts related to the camp they have attended.

Duration: 7 hours
Charges: Rs 500 per person