Online Yoga Class



Online Yoga Class | Shahzadpur Farm Yoga

Online Yoga Class:

We provide Yoga class through video conferencing to our overseas / distant clients. The class consists of Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras, Bandhas, Relaxation and meditation, Clients who do not have time for going out for availing Yoga services can take a class within the comforts of their home at their own easy timing.

We have devised ways of teaching yoga online effective by drawing upon our experiences with these Yoga classes. The student needs to be equipped with a computer ( laptop or desktop, mobile is discouraged) with a good camera and audio facility. The online Yoga class is conducted at a slower pace, taking into consideration every detail of the movements or manoeuvres involved. The instructor matches the pace and flow of the class with that of the student on the other side of the computer. We operate our cyberspace sessions from our studio where we run our Yoga classes in Bandra West, Mumbai.

We make sure that all the doubts and queries are satisfactorily answered at every step. The online instructor has his own list of questions which he asks in between in order to understand the comprehension ability of the student through the computer. In case you reside in Mumbai you can also visit our Bandra Yoga classes in person, with prior intimation, for clarifications if any needed.

The charges for this class for a month are INR 6000 for 12 sessions of one hour each in a month, one session every alternate day, three sessions in a week. This is going to be a one to one online practice and not a group class.

Things to consider on the part of the student to benefit maximum from this online class.

1 ) Make sure your camera is positioned at such a comfortable distance so that the yoga teacher can see the entire body length, feet to the head in standing position, of the students.

2) The students must arrange to get equipped with a blue tooth enabled ear buds with a mic included with them.

3) Preferentially, the students must position their device , phone or the computer, on a stable stand or any other platform.

4) A good and a reliable internet connection.

5) Pls check your equipment before the class begins.